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Back to Recess Workout

Remember this? Yes good old jump roping!

Grab your jump rope and take it back to the school yard for this 12 minute High Intensity Workout Blast! Did you know that you can burn as many calories jump roping as running? You can! The more you jump rope the better you will get.

Do as many as you can in the 50 seconds. If that means 20, 10, 5 or 2, just do your best. Log how many you do the first time and try it again another day and continue to log to see your improvement!

Set your timer and Go!

12 Minutes Total

50 Seconds: Jump Rope

10 Second Rest

50 Seconds: Jump Squats

10 Second Rest

50 Seconds: Jump Rope

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Dead Lift and Shoulder Press

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Jump Rope

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Push-Ups

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Jump Rope

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Tricep Dips on the Floor or off a bench

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Jump Rope

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Burpees with a Push-Up

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Jump Rope

10 Seconds Rest

50 Seconds: Plank


Beginners: 1 Set

Intermediate to Advanced: 2-4 sets

If you do not have a jump rope you can just do the motions with the hands or you can do jumping jacks or high knees

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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